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Puppies 10 weeks to 10 months
Private in home training
This is a starter course designed to help you and your puppy forge a life-long bond and build a strong foundation of basic training for a healthy and well-balanced relationship.
Topics Covered:
Doglish, Puppy Safety, Basic Commands, Pre-Stay, Puppy Behavior, Socialization, Potty Training, Leash Manners
4 week course
Cost: $350
Dogs 10 months+
Private in home training
Wagger's I is tailored for an adult dog or an adopted dog with little or an unknown training history. This course will build a strong relationship between you and your dog by helping you become your dog's trusted coach.
Topics Covered:
Basic Training Commands, Loose Leash Walking, Heel, Stay, Drop It, Leave It, Dealing with Fear Issues
4 week course
Cost: $350
puppies 6mths+, with a small amount basic training
Private in home training
A more advanced course designed for pups with some knowledge of basic training. Waggers’ Puppy II is all about fine tuning and expanding upon the skills your puppy has already learned, introducing new safety cues, and correcting bad behaviors.
Topics Covered:
Loose Leash Walking, Stay, Leave It, Proper Social Behavior, Honing known cues, Weaning treats
4 week course
Cost: $350
Dogs 1yr+ w/ knowledge of basic training
In home private training
This advanced training course is designed for you and your dog to take your training to the next level, by sharpening all know cues and working on problem areas. Special attention is given to specific advanced cues to help deal with distractions, distance, fear, and doggie impatience.
Topics Covered:
Loose Leash Walking, Off Leash Walking, Dealing with Jumping and Excitement, Boredom and Exercise, Distance Training
4 Week Course
Cost: $350
6 mths+
4 Week class
Previous training required (Waggers’ Puppy/Adult Training)
A strong knowledge of basic commands is necessary for Agility Basics Training. Your pup must have a strong sit, down, stay, and recall command.
In this casual basic agility training class you and your pup will learn four elements of an agility course: Tunnel, Jump (over), Pause Box, and Weave Poles
Cost: $395
Puppy course and adult courses are available
This training group employs the use of a clicker for positive reinforcement. A clicker is a very effective method of training, providing a clear, simple, quick and consistent response to correct cues that both pups and adult dogs can pick up quickly and efficiently. Wagger's Clicker Training Group is a fantastic alternative for a pup/dog that tends to become easily over-stimulated through verbal praise (or anything in general).
There are many trainers that believe that clicker training is the best method for training your pup.
Clicker will be provided
4 week course
Cost: $350
6 mths+
Private in home/neighborhood training
This course is entirely dedicated to walking and all aspects that go with it, including: pulling, jumping, stopping, being a stubborn mule, lunging, eating everything, ruled by the sniffer, the “SQUIRREL” effect, greetings and departures from both dogs and humans.
4 Week Course
Cost: $325
adults 1yr+, Basic Training Prerequisite
Private in home training, will require out of home work including access to a park.
This advanced training course is for adult dogs with a strong knowledge of basic training seeking to become AKC Canine Good Citizens. This is a structured course that prepares you and your dog to take the AKC Canine Good Citizen test, and covers all ten elements required to pass the examination.
6 Week Course